Saturday, April 24, 2010

My sixth pic!

Lovely Erica from Moth Design tagged me in her 6th picture game. Erica's 6th picture posted on her blog was of her bar cart that she beautifully decorated in her master bathroom. I absolutely love the way she decorates her home! You can check out her 6th post (and home!) on her Blog.  My sixth picture (above) was from a post called Inspirations and it featured a picture of Thom filicia's lake house. It was so funny looking back through some of my old posts! Its amazing how much your style changes and your posts evolve over the years. But, I do still love Thom's work so I thought I would share some more pics of his lake house. 

Here are the lovely blogs that I have decided to tag.


  1. Thank you for the sweetest compliments!
    I LOVE this post... What I wouldn't do for a lake home like that.
    Have a great weekend! xoxo e

  2. Gorgeous lake house! Love the antlers, especially (of course!). Congrats on the tag, and thank you! I'll have to investigate my sixth pic, might not be re-postable! ;). Thank you, Yahnay, have a lovely weekend!

  3. Thank you Yahnay! I can't wait to start my post! I wonder what my 6th pic was... eek! I hope it's good! This post is fabulous. That lake house is out of control! Have a great week sweetie!


  4. Thanks Yahnay, lovely post and your 6th pic was fabulous, I wonder what mine was, will get started...hope it was an alright pic :)

  5. That lake house IS terrific! As is your blog. Enjoying my time here...looking forward to following via bloglovin :)



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