Monday, February 13, 2012

The Alt Channel

I always get really disappointed that a lot of the design/blogging events are never in Australia. I wish there was more for us Aussie's to choose from. But this time we are finally in luck! I recently found out that you can take classes from blogging and media experts online. It has been organised by the people who hold the Alt Design Summit in Salt Lake City. You can register online at The Alt Channel. Each class is limited to 100 participants and has a $15 registration fee. Here is what is on for the rest of February 2012. 

Laurie Smithwick February 13 Business Cards 101
Melanie Blodgett February 14 Bringing Home the Bacon When Your Blog Isn’t Huge
Liz Stanley February 15 Getting Started with Advertising for Bloggers
Susan Peterson February 16 Getting Your Blog or Shop Noticed
Justin Hackworth February 17 DSLR 101
Justin Hackworth February 20 10 Photography Workouts to Make You a Better Photographer
Erin Loechner  February 21  Perfecting The Pitch: How To Win Over Your Dream Sponsor
Laurie Smithwick  February 22  Site Design: Tips & Tricks for Beginners
Nicole Balch February 23 Understanding Analytics
Laura Mayes February 27  Getting Press Ready
Laura Mayes February 28  Creative Collaborations
Melanie Blodgett  February 29  Content is King

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty cool. The "How To Win Over Your Dream Sponsor" class should be really interesting. Thanks for sharing!


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