Saturday, April 16, 2011

2011 Australain Interior Design Awards- My Shortlist

I am always eager to find out the shortlist for the Australian Interior Design awards. It is a great way to find new upcoming designers and check out my favorite existing designers. My favorite this year was the Carriagehouse designed by Hare + Klein. I also featured their work last year as one of my favorites here. They have designed and decorated several homes that are just gorgeous and I always look forward to seeing their new work.

Images via Here photography by Jenni Hare

My second favorite home is completely different to the Carriage house above, but I love its sophistication. The harbour Penthouse was designed by David Hicks and I have also featured his work several times on my blog. I was hoping to feature some new upcoming designers but I cant deny these fabulous designers of their well deserved title.

Images Here photography by Shannon McGrath

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