Saturday, March 26, 2011

Favorite pic's from April House & Home Mag.

When ever I get a new issue of a magazine I get so excited and flick through it like crazy. Sometimes though I am left feeling a little disappointed. You either get lucky and love everything or you don't like much at all. This month though I loved lots of pictures from the April issue of House & Home. Nothing better than some gorgeous eye candy when your feeling uninspired (which I have been lately). The cold winter weather that is creeping up is not making me feel very inspired. No more sunshine, long lasting days and outdoor activities. So I am savoring every last bit of sunshine and fresh sunny interiors that I can find.

Images Via April House & Home Magazine


  1. Oh, this home is beyond pretty! It matches your blog layout so well too! Hope you have a great weekend, Cutie! xo

  2. Can I move in? I love all those homes!!

    Sarah x

  3. I love the table in the third shot, beautiful!


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