Monday, November 15, 2010

Kelly Hoppen iphone app.

I wanted to quickly mention this iphone app by Kelly Hoppen. I just bought it for $5.99 on itunes and I'm just downloading it now. Cant wait to check it out. You can check out more details here

After Note: I wanted to quickly mention how the app was. 
-I love that Kelly has included videos and step by step instructions on how to do room and shelving make overs. She has also included various looks that would be suitable for different interiors, which is good because that way you can pick a design that reflects your style. I also think Kelly's style is one that is suitable for everyone, so all of her designs are very appropriate. Overall I loved the app and found it very inspiring. I just hope she adds some more of her great tips and videos. She is such a wonderful designer!


  1. I just stumbled on this app too! Do tell how it goes!

  2. Do let us know. Doesn't she have loads of books? Are they any good? I've read conflicting reviews...


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